Re: multiple gap question
Hi Gary,
>>I think your problem is that it sounds like the screws go through both
of the pipes, and when you tighten the nuts, it squeezes the round pipes
into an oval shape, messing up the gap setting.<<
Nope. The screws are only at the bottom of the Cu cylinder. It is just a
design that is a little too brilliant. Have you seen Scot's multigap at
Terry's file site:
I put the cylinders on 8-32 screws around an inch above the base and
attempted to lock the whole thing in place by tightening the nuts. The
problem is as I explained. Oh well, that's what makes this stuff so much fun.
Scot has what looks to me like a superior design.
>>Have you checked the uniformity along the length of the gaps _after_ you
set them? I'm not sure I understand "circular face". I assume you mean
they arc only at the ends of the gap where the spacing is presumably
narrower, not _all_ around the circumference of the ends of the pipes?<<
The circular face is the open ends of the cylinder. You are right about the
bowing, which was not my problem. I removed all the cylinders and burnished
the faces and rubbed hard with steel wool to
eliminate any small burrs or ridges. This has helped to chase the sparks
inside along the cylinder walls. What we need is a Cu sweat coupling shaped
more ellipsoidal like a beer keg with open ends.
>The mmc is at 0.011 uF. Not even a gap of 0.018-0.020 will fill a 0.022 uF
>>You mean to say that with a _single_ .018-.020 gap, it won't break down
charging a .022uF cap.<<
Yep! Nary a spit with a 15/60 in parallel with a 15/30. And the NSTs have
been checked by
meter and used in the circuit. The gap is a 3-ball adjustable gap. --O O
>> I use a 15/60 with a .02uF cap and
it runs quite nicely with a 0.34" (not 0.034") gap. Something is wrong, and
it's not the gap.<<
Yep again. It's not the MMC either because I can substitute. I gotta say that
0.34 inch does sound like
jumping the Grand Canyon. Any suggestions will be verrry verrry welcome.
Please do not underestimate my stupidity. I hope you will imagine the dumbest
thing possible and ask me about it.
Thanks Gary.
Happy day,
Ralph Zekelman