
Big Time Coil Problems...

Man, I'm really mad now.  Our coil is not working at all (again?!).  Our
power source is 150v going into 15Kv/90ma transformer to make 18Kv.  We are
using a 6" secondary wound with 22 gauge wire.  (Albeit short winding, it
should at least be doing something!)    Our caps are mica transmitting caps
in series to make .00325µf at 20Kv.  I believe this is where we are going
wrong.  We can get no output at all from the coil no matter what.   Do we
just need a better capacitor system to fix the whole thing?  I know the
capacitance is really low, but I was hoping it would at least do something.
 It seems like after that last secondary blew up, everything just went to
heck...  Ugh, I hope this gets better soon...