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Hello fellow tube coilers,

As I couldn't find a suitable plate xformer for my VTTC, I decided to 
give MOTs a chance. Several coilers had written to the list, that 
MOTs "more or less" are current limited, but I couldn't find any 
"hard" number. Therefore I performed some tests and would like to 
share the results with you:

1. setup:
I connected two MOTs back-to-back and stacked another one for 
higher output voltage. This HV was connected via 2 diodes to a 
load capacitor 32 µF / 6 kVdc (half wave rectifier).  
V in Vdc		I in mAdc		P in W
5400			---				---
1800			100			180
1380			150			207
1020			200			204

2. setup:
I paralleled the 1st MOT with another one (similar volume/voltage) 
in order to get more current.
V in Vdc		I in mAdc		P in W
5400			---				---
2460			100			246
1860			150			280
1620			200			324
1440			250			360

3. setup:
Using setup #1 I added another 3 MOTs and 2 diodes to form a 
center tap connection (full wave rectifier).
V in Vdc		I in mAdc		P in W
5400			---				---
3180			100			320
2400			150			360
1800			200			360
1500			250			375

4. setup:
2 MOTs (similar voltage/volume) back-to-back. Mains input 230 V / 
50 Hz. Vac and Aac measured with analog instruments.
load       load voltage  load current  load power
(Ohms)  (Vac)            (Aac)           (W)
18  	  95			5.0              475
37.5       140               3.6              504
75          170               2.2              374
150        185               1.2              222
---           190

These results were very dissapointing indeed for my application, 
but now I've a much better feeling what's possible with MOTs and 
what's not.

