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Re: Transtrom Extraction for CSN

--- Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
> Original poster: "Bill Lemieux"
> <gomez-at-netherworld-dot-com> 
> On that fateful day 8/15/00 8:16 AM, thus spake
> Tesla list:
> > Original poster: "harvey norris"
> <harvich-at-yahoo-dot-com>
> [snip]
> > Amazingly when Tesla first begins his
> > experimentation, his secondary only consists of a
> > conical 14 turns with average width of 130
> ft/turn.
> Neat trick, given that the width of the lab building
> was not that large.
> Perhaps you mean circumference?  The second
> cylindrical secondary, was
> "only" 49 feet in diameter and took up the entire
> width of the room.  How
> then could the conical secondary have an average
> width of 130 feet?!?
Oops, thanx for pointing error. June 20,1899 pg 41
indicates each turn of secondary has, on average, 130
ft. Thanx for pointing out error on my part. Dont know
how the word width crept in there. HDN

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