
Re: MOTs...Exploring the Low End of TC Voltage Part II


I think I'd use a MOT.  Short out the high voltage secondary and put its
primary in series with your hot lead to the radar transformer.  This will
limit the mains current to the maximum current of the MOT.  My $.02 worth.

Best Regards,


At 09:36 AM 04/29/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "J. B. Weazle McCreath" <weazle-at-hurontel.on.ca> 
>At 09:03 PM 28/04/00 -0600, you wrote:
>>Original Poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter-at-accucomm-dot-net> 
>>Fellow Coilers,
>>Inspired by the frequent queries about MOTs on this list, I've just
>>conducted a simple test with my 4" Tesla coil driven by a pair of
>>unballasted MOTs in series at only 4800VAC, but at insane current.  Results
>>were pretty gratifying.  The only thing I did to the coil was to close the
>>gap down so it could fire at the reduced input voltage.  Output sparks were
>>shorter, but thicker and more intense.  See the results for yourself at:
>>Best Regards,
>>Greg Hunter
>>Cochran, GA, USA
>On a similar note, a friend who knows I'm into coiling just dropped off
>a real nice transformer to me.  It's out of a British radar set and has
>a 240 volt primary and a 5.5 KV -at- 250 mA. secondary.  I doubt very much
>that there are any shunts, from what I see of the core, so what is your
>suggestion for ballasting this hunk of iron?
>73, Weazle, VE3EAR/VE3WZL
>Listening: 147.030+ and 442.075+
>E-mail:    weazle-at-hurontel.on.ca
>           or ve3ear-at-rac.ca
>Web site:  www.hurontel.on.ca/~weazle