Re: MOTs...Exploring the Low End of TC Voltage Part II
original Poster: "Gregory R. Hunter" <ghunter-at-accucomm-dot-net>
> Fellow Coilers,
> Inspired by the frequent queries about MOTs on this list, I've just
> conducted a simple test with my 4" Tesla coil driven by a pair of
> unballasted MOTs in series at only 4800VAC, but at insane current.
> were pretty gratifying.
>My coil is optimized to run on 9KV at medium current, yet the low voltage,
> high current MOTs still did a respectable job. I know I'm not the first
> guy to do this, but this simple & cheap power supply option seems largely
> unexplored. It presents some challenges in the area of spark gap design,
> but so what? I'm enthused.
Nice going Greg, thanks for the info. This is what i'm preaching for two
months now. Maybe you could also link the pictures, i only saw a red cross.
The MotMan