
Re: Toroid Capacitance calculated without earth-distance?

I assume isotropic C is calculated. It looks as though Terry has worked out
some of the "ruff edges" on "true" capacity due to Earth and surrounding
objects. But, I must add, that still the rules of thumb (As long as you
follow the dominant Paradigm!) get you in the "ball park", so to speak. A
little fidlin' goes a long ways!


David Trimmell

At 01:27 PM 4/28/00 , you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Ruud de Graaf" <rdegraaf-at-daxis.nl> 
>Hi all,
>Maybe i missed something, but could somebody tell me how it is possible
that in
>the calculation of the toroid capacitance the distance to ground is ignored.
>IMHO it should be actually inverted proportional.