
SRSG,RSG, shtuff...

Hi all!  Mullng over a few things here, and needing further information.

I have a small AC motor that I would like to use for a *small* rsg. I only
intend to use a 4kv30ma nst on it.  now, wintelsa says that the matched cap
for that is .0199uf,
or 19.9nf (i think i have the right number of decimals there ;)
Before the criticism starts, yes, I could use a plain RQSG, but I love to
tinker, and the 4kv unit will be less dangerous and a bit more tame, plus
it'll be easier on my mmc.
Anywho, my MMC (thanks Terry, the caps are *sweet!*), is 17.6kv, -at- around
5nf a string. now, don't want to play wth resonant charging just quite yet.
I did that once with the trashy cap (5nf on a 15kv30maNST), and while the
cap died in a matter of moments (it was being tested to destruction), it
juiced me good through the heavy-duty smitch I'd been using.  Now I use
contactors to break the mains, so all I'm holding is 13v-at-1A, much safer.  So
I know that before it died, it really shot up there in V.  Mmmkay.  I doubt
I'll be using much more than a 4 or 5" disc, as the input power is small
also.  Now, what kind of damage is this gonna do to my little NST? Since
I'll be waay LTR (35nf, trying to avoid that 20nf range), I assume the nst
will take the brunt of the pounding.  Will I simply destroy the nst if I
even attempt this without grinding the motor for sync operation?  I haven't
started on the disc yet, as I don't want to make a neat lookin' coaster ;)
The motor will thankfully require only 2 flats.  It is a small motor tho.
Originally started life as a fan, but it's got a decent amount of torque.
That's the second reason I want to use a small disc.  A disc that small will
probably need an air blast to help quenching, I assume.

soo, you all know what kind of um, insanity I'm about to attempt, 99% for
the curiosity and experience of doing it. 1% for the noise :)  Ideas?
Comments?  Snide remarks?

										Thanks for yer time!

Sundog - Relax and smile. It could be Monday.