
Re: Mutant Tar!!

Temperature is very important for the solvent to work well.  The warmer it 
is the faster it will work.  I have found the same thing my self depotting a 
few NST's.  Also, agitation can make the process go much faster.  If you can 
come with a way to agitate the solvent it will dissolve the tar much faster. 
A motor with an offset weight will vibrate the bath.  But becarful and 
sheild any electric pumps or motors from the solvent and fumes or your 
transfomer will be charcoal! :-)
  I was thinking of using a fuel pump to circulate the gasoline in a 5 gal 
pail.  I think the "Flowing" effect of the solvent will reduce the time to 
depot drastically, although I haven't had time to try it yet.

>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Mutant Tar!!
>Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 20:47:17 -0600
>Original Poster: "Brad DiGiovine" <Guido28-at-mediaone-dot-net>
>to all,
>i have had a NST sitting in gasoline for the past month unpotting and it
>is still not all off.  I can barely see the windings.  Has anyone else
>ever run into this?  my 12kv30ma NST only took a week, and this 15kv30ma
>is taking a lot longer.  Are there better solvents for unpotting than
>gasoline? thanks
>Brad DiGiovine

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