
Last Call for Seedy MWO Reasearchers

I am looking for some avid gardeners on the tesla list to help me in my
experimentation. Now is a time of year when many are putting in gardens.
What I wish to do is send interested list members two sets of 25 seeds, or
whatever quantity is desired. One set will be ordinary, as a control, the
other set will be placed on direct contact of the metal MWO plate for one
hour and both samples mailed the same day. I would wish those members who
wish to participate that when they recieve these samples they attempt to
germinate them as soon as possible and report back on any differences in
germination rate. I have selected Sweet Tangerine Hybrid seeds from Burpee
seed Co as specified as 97% germination rate. These normally sprout within 1
week under warm conditions. They are a very delicious medium size Yellow
tomato, we grew these last year in the garden. The Burpee Seed Co was most
inquisitive when I had my brother Michael order these in bulk quantity for
the Tesla Electric Co. They wanted to know the Employer Identification No
and all that jas, including prying questions why we wanted the seeds. They
were most interested in hearing about the high freq process, good to hear
people with open minds. For the pepper freak like myself, I have many  Ohio
grown varieties from last years crop,if anyone wishes to do a analagous
experiment, that is good but pepper seeds take a lot longer for germination,
so the tomato experiment would be better. I will soon be doing
experimentation with actual pepper seedlings that are growing. A list of
pepper varieties, and my high freq agriculture scheme is available at my
messageboard under the  Tesla Seed Co. I would like to send all these out on
one day so all interested parties contact me offlist by Friday. Of course
this is complimentary for tesla list members, but after Friday I will be
charging for these seeds.

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