Tesla Electric Co.
Bookmark this address to look for weekly updates on the Binary Resonant
I actually applied for the legal name for this company and recieved an EIN
around 1992. For an amusing story of how my picture was made check out the
first enrty on page 1 at the messageboard address. From there on in is the
recorded history of the BRS. This includes all my eroneous conceptions
without editng or correction.
http://msnhomepages.talkcity-dot-com/LaGrangeLn/teslafy/ contains the mpg file
on Windows Real Video Player of the MWO process. The uncohered MWO signal is
viewed in slow time. This is where those signals moving through time go in
and out of phase as each shot is viewed in successive time frames. When that
process is viewed in real time as the actual scope observation the
information appears incoherant because everything is happening 5 sweeps per
second. Slowing down the information reveals coherant signals. Any
particular slice of time can be stopped by mousing the control bar. At the
end of the video the TV selector switch is thrown and that information is
then decoded or inrterpreted as the scalar form shown by the video.
Snapshots In Time of a MWO process
has been updated with tesla list comments and new scope pictures showing
what happens when we attempt to rectify the scalar form. A mpeg of this has
also been made but not yet placed at the webpage. Who knows, maybe those
guys made some premature comments without seeing all the evidence. Would
appreciate a note offlist from someone as to whether the mpeg file can be
viewed at your computer< I am new at this job!
Binary Resonant System
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