
The GEHEISLR cup homepage.

 Ok, Terry, your challenge has been accepted:-) Consider me now a
participant of the GEHEISLR cup! If you don't mind, I have made a
homepage compiling most of the information regarding the cup and plan
on posting details of my system to it. The page can be accessed trough

 Any comments or suggestions on how to make it better are more than
welcome, of course. It would be nice to make this the official
homepage. For that, anyone entering could e-mail me details of their
system including photos and such and I could place it online under
their name...

Sam Barros,
!!! Check my homepage at http://www.powerlabs-dot-org/ !!!
 "The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep"...
 "Evolution Stops When Stupidity Is No Longer Fatal"
 "If At First You Don't Suceed, Increase The Amperage"

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