
Re: Secondary Core.

In a message dated 4/20/00 4:34:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com 

> Hi John,
>  This is the first time in 2 1/2 months I have seen a statement like this
>  (since I joined the list)! And I can tell you, it makes me happy to see a
>  support for my feeling I had about this subject. I couldn't imagine that
>  max. 3% water in PVC could absorbe a noticable amount of energy. The more
>  because of the limited volume we talk about. But I wonder, is the 
>  based on your own observation. Understand me well, I do not have a
>  reservation against your statement. I'am only interested in the way you
>  found out something that I felt to be true with only basic knowledge. (I
>  hope I expres myself clearly, because the amount of white port I had).
>  Greetings from very dark Holland without any lightning :-(( ,
>  Ruud


My comment was based on experience with many different forms
and TC's, but not on a perfect direct comparison.  I also seem to
remember that someone did a direct comparison, and saw no
difference, but I don't remember who it was.

Over the last few years, I've been testing various things to try to
find and expose various TC myths.  I find that there are still quite a
few common TC myths "out there".  I had been victimized by quite
of few of them during my early TC years.

John  Freau