
Re: Solid state spark length record?

Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> on 16.04.2000 22:58:02

To:   tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
cc:    (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject:  Solid state spark length record?

>Original Poster: "Gary Johnson" <gjohnson-at-ksu.edu>
>Who holds the record for spark length to a grounded object from a solid
>state driven Tesla coil?  I hit 57 inches recently before a group of over 50
>people. I was direct driving an Extra coil at about 2 sparks per second with
>an IGBT inverter.
>Gary Johnson


Just for the records, my two old mails below.

dated 6.3.2000
>Pulse voltage was 11 kV DC, repetitions rate was about 660 Hz: that makes a
power of about 2kW (with the 0.05 uF cap I had).

That meant 660 bangs per second. I had just one witness  :)

dated 8.3.2000
>I didn't measure thoroughly (e.g.with a grounded rod) spark length, but I know
for sure it was >longer than with the original MOT supply (say, 20%). I think
spark length could have been about >50", but, please, take it as an indicative

I did measure and store with a digital scope the primary voltage: I can
scan the
picture and put it on my web page. But I wasn't so clever to measure the
streamers or take a picture. So the 50" is just indicative.

Best Regards