
Re: Solid state spark length record?


Some kind of "record" for spark length unqualified as to any reference is
all well and good, I suppose.  But why not go one better and propose it
for >spark length per primary volt<, hmmm?  Expressed in millimeters per
volt to make it more impressive.  And let one & all, 19th cy. or 20th cy.
technologies, join in; but let each qualify their gear as to solid state
or not--"spark" or "solid".

I give you 3.8, solid, right now; and more later.  Let's hear it now from
those 10,000 volt people!  Hah!

Ken Herrick

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 14:58:02 -0600 Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> writes:
> Original Poster: "Gary Johnson" <gjohnson-at-ksu.edu> 
> Who holds the record for spark length to a grounded object from a 
> solid
> state driven Tesla coil?  I hit 57 inches recently before a group of 
> over 50
> people. I was direct driving an Extra coil at about 2 sparks per 
> second with
> an IGBT inverter.
> Gary Johnson

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