
Re: Coil ideas for experiments

In a message dated 4/14/2000 9:55:13 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
tesla-at-pupman-dot-com writes:

<< A non-technical viewpoint here, but if the laser is ionizing the sparkgap,
 there will be a "beam" of ionized air between the laser and the sparkgap.
 The caps will want to short across the sparkgap, yes, but would there be a
 chance of the spark crawling back the laser to it's case (which would be
 grounded, and probably have a surface near the beam?  I think that would be
 less of a concern than reflected UV.  A few seconds for paper, that means
 even less time for your eyes. Hmmm.... >>

Yes, but if the mirrors and other optic components of the laser were far 
enough from the power source, it would keep the laser safe.  As for the 
ultraviolet light, frankly, I'm disappointed in you.  You work with devices 
using thousand of volts... and you're worried about UV light... well, here's 
my solution, put a concave mirror at the end of the beam to split it apart.  
Of course, in a real (non-experimental) setting, we would be aiming it at 
something.  In this case, we would need something protective.