
Re: RSG motor failure


The motor was room temperature.  Yseterdaay I had some long runs at 1350VA
input, and the motor still didn't get very warm.  I remember that I left the
motor on with the rotor "in the lab" for at least 10 minutes (only load was
the rotor disk and electrodes), and it got warmer (about 100F).

After examining the thermostat a little closer, I noticed the contacts inside
the thermostat showed some welding marks, like they had seperated a very
small distance (a thousandth of an inch or so).  Then an instantaneous voltage
buildup (motor windings = inductor) occured which arced through the bottom of
the plastic case.  I wonder if the motor windings didn't actually filter out
this spike, so that the thermostat was the weakest link in the chain?  Just a



Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "R.E.Burnett" <R.E.Burnett-at-newcastle.ac.uk>
> Mark Broker,
> Could the motor have overheated due to the synchronous motor modification?
> Milling deep flats on the rotor makes an induction motor draw more current
> and get hotter.
>                                                         -Richie,