
Re[2]: simple questions

     I believe the way it works is, input voltage and current has to equal 
     output voltage and current, more or less.  
     (Volts in)*(Amps in) = (Volts out)*(Amps out)
     or, for your 15 kv/120 mA system:
     (120 volts)*(amps in)=(15000 volts)*(.12 amps out)
     Solving for amps in gives you 15 Amps.  So, that's the size variac 
     you'd need in a perfect world.  You might be able to use a smaller 
     one, but I'd keep an eye on it.  NSTs have been documented drawing 
     much more power than they're rated for due to saturation of the 
     current limiting shunts.  My 10 amp variac has a fuse on it.  You 
     might want to fuse yours if you're running it hot.
     hope this helps,

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Subject: Re: simple questions
Author:  Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> at INTERNET
Date:    4/13/00 12:04 PM
> 2.  What size variac contoller is advisable for a system with a 15kV 120mA 
> supply?  How do you calculate that size?
I would say to be safe use a 15-20A variac. I use a 10A on a pair of NSTs 
at 15KV
60mA and 30mA. It works fine. And I bet it would handle 120 mA just fine. But I 
like to have more capacity than I need. The size is just how much current the 
NSTs draw from the wall. Rate the variac for that, or thereabouts. ;) If
you want
to be exact I'm sure there is some math, I'm just relating what works for me.
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