
Re: Corum's new paper, a "naive swindle"? for Noah

Hi Noah,

The term "naive swindle" originated on the corum paper "Class Notes", page
10. They say "modeling with lumped circuits is of marginal utility (it's a
naive swindle!)". If it's nasty talk, they are the ones that originated it!
The Corum paper is a slap in the face, stating that only "sophomores" would
consider a lumped circuit model of the Tesla coil. I've spent thousands of
hours thinking about Tesla coils, published some of my own work (and even
went through a divorce partly because of it), and for what, to be called a
sophomore? I am a strong believer that the resonator can be modeled with a
lumped circuit. I believe the Corum brothers are just as strong for their
transmission line theory. I agree with alot of their theories, but I do not
like the way they attack the lumped circuit model.

Regards, Duane A Bylund

At 11:36 AM 4/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Benkanosan" <benkanosan-at-townsqr-dot-com> 
>It is so great to become part of such an enthusiastic and bright group of
>amateur coilers. I am a little awed by the intelligence shown by "lay
>amateurs" in pursuing such a highly tecnical and scientifically founded
>hobby. One little thing bothers me.  Why is there so much personal acrimony
>directed toward some theorists who have published results? I refer
>particularly to the subject title of this email as an example: "naive
>swindle". I had the opportunity to have a number of conversations with Dr.
>James Corum years ago when he was a full professor of electrical
>engineering, and had several conversations with him about relativity theory,
>Tesla, etc. I can assure you, Jim Corum is a man of immense personal
>integrity, extreme intelligence, and unquestionable good will.  How is it
>that so much negative energy is directed toward his work?  If one disagrees
>with a scientist's position, ad hominum argumentation is usually not the way
>to express the correctness of an opposing theory ("naive swindle" - wow,
>that's pretty nasty talk!) Am I missing something in all this that more
>experienced coilers can clue me in on? Thanks, guys (and gals). Happy