Antique-like Coiling Project ...Strong's "Ajax Coil" Horizontal Tesla Coil!
I am building a neat horizontal table top Tesla Coil fashioned in the manner
of the old "Ajax" machines that Strong made.
The main unique feature of these coils were the dischargers, in that there
were 3 instead of 2. By using a third "dummy" electrode a condenser is
introduced into the circuit for the output, and effecting the quality of the
spark at the discharge balls, and quality of the effluve at the discharge
They consisted of (A) an adjustable round plate [condenser] attatched to the
left of the secondary, (B) a middle stationary "dummy" electrode consisting
of a round plate [condenser] and ball discharger, and (C) an adjustable ball
discharger attatched to the right of the secondary.
Drawn in ASCII:
"A" "B" "C"
--------| |-o o---------
It looks something like that.
For Oudin effects, ball terminals are near or closed, and plates separated
wide (useful for Tesla lectures / ionisation of air), and for spark effects
condenser can be used to adjust quality of the spark at ball terminals.
With condenser closed, and balls are farthest distance normal long sparks
are produced inbetween,
but with variances in capacitance of left dischargers sparks produced at the
right will vary in character and quality, quantity, etc.
The secondary is 6.6" diameter and 24" long, supported by two "bobbin ends"
in the shapes of large inverted "U"'s. Around the secondary is 18 spaced
dowels for the primary, consisting of copper strap.
[Rotary Index Table very handy for Tesla Coil bases!!]
Coil itself is finished, am working on dischargers now...
Pictures coming soon, as well as perfermance photos.
Jeff Behary
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