
Re: Tungsten electrodes in static gap?

Jeff Behary wrote:

> The heat sinks are not too difficult to make, but really the lathe should be
> spinning quite fast and parting tool should be quite sharp for best results
> using aluminum.  Original Diathermy gaps used copper washers, but they cost
> a f-o-r-t-u-n-e, believe me, and I've been quoted for 5000 washers at a time
> from the largest manufacturer, and they are STILL expensive!

If you have a lathe (and some time), get some copper foil with adequate
tickness, cut disks approximately with metal foil scissors, stack
them all and mount them in the lathe, pressed between a wood block in
the headstock and another in the tailstock (a live center helps). A few
light passes will result in a set of perfect copper disks. The central
holes can be made in the lathe too, in groups of disks held in a 
3 jaws chuck (wrap them in cardboard to avoid marks at the edges),
a drill bit in the tailstock, and some care.
You can also make the central holes first, mount the washers in a
rod, pressed by nuts and strong end washers, and cut the outer edges in

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz