Re: Variac turn-on surge solution
Tesla List wrote:
> Hopefully this info will help you out. I bet with low resistance wiring
> those spikes my be getting higher than my 100 amps spikes.
You're right. I have the same problem with my neon bombarder. The
pig is fed with a 25 amp variac operating as a variable choke in
series with a fixed choke. Even with the pig's primary open,
hitting the contactor with the variac set anywhere much above 50%
will thump the 60 amp breaker feeding my bench. I solved the
problem with a soft start circuit. This involves nothing more than
a 10 ohm, 100 watt resistor in series with everything, shorted by a
time delay relay. This relay is very simple - a DC coil relay
shunted by an electrolytic cap and fed through a resistor, values
selected to delay the closing of the relay by about half a second.
This relay is driven through a small bridge rectifier from the main
contactor. When I hit the loud switch, the main contactor
energizes, feeding power through the resistor. A half second or so
later, the resistor is shorted and the system is at full power. I
have a 12 volt, 250 amp DC power supply with about a farad of filter
caps that uses the same soft-start circuit.
John De Armond
Neon John's Custom Neon
Cleveland, TN
"Bendin' Glass 'n Passin' Gas"