
CS Centenary

Hi All,
        I decided on a whim (and on rediscovering a 2.5" dia litz 
resonator in amongst a collection of components) to build a working 
scale model of Tesla's Colorado Springs machine. Scale is in keeping 
with the extra coil diameter and is about 38:1. The winding on the 
extra coil is about 3" high. The secondary consists of an open frame 
coil wound on 10 dried and varnished dowels to a height of 2.5" or so
and diameter of 15.6" with 22 turns although I may tap it down a bit 
in keeping with the turns on the original. The extra coil has about 
120 turns from memory. The test primary consists of two turns of twin 
trurip PVC insulated wire wound at the base of the secondary and the 
primary cap is currently 4x 4.7nF 6000VW Sangamo micas wired in series-
parallel to give 4.7nF -at- 12kV working. I was going to use a single 
turn with an 11.5nF micalex cap but the Q was in the dirt. 
Unbelievably, the working frequency scaled up by the same factor that 
the dimensions of the machine were scaled down. 
     Tests so far have been with a 30W DC supply but having now found 
an optimum sized toroid that doesn't cause the extra coil to 
flashover I'm about ready to hook a NST to the coil to see what 
happens. So far, a bunch of ghostly streamers have been seen 
stretching about 3/4 of the way to the secondary and the top of the 
secondary itself has about an inch of corona stretching upwards and 
outwards right around. I'll post the results and hopefully some 
