Re: As a thought experiment...
On Fri, 07 May 1999 01:25:48 -0600 On the Tesla List
Yuri Markov <wmondale-at-hotmail-dot-com> wrote;
>As a thought expiriment, how would a coil function if its ordinary
>spark gap were replaced with a jacob's latter-type configuration? Has
>tried this? I intend to as soon as I get my coil to work with an
>gap. If you have, I'd like to know your results. The combination would
>one heck of a light show!
Hi Yuri, it won't work because the Jacobs ladder and a Tesla coil's spark
require opposing conditions. The Jacobs ladder works by an ARC heating
the air above it and thus increasing the conductivity so the arc can rise
to the larger gap and this continues until the arc snaps off at the top.
A Tesla coil's spark gap needs to be quenched to enable
the high frequence oscillations and an arc would kill the oscillations
all together. Some of the rotating multi-gap spark gaps but on a nice
light display themselves, that effect was well exploited in the old
"Frankenstein" movies by good old Ken Stickfaland (Sp?)
Alfred A. Skrocki Sr.
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