Re. precipitate....when it rains, it pours
>Original Poster: "christopher boden" <chrisboden-at-hotmail-dot-com>
>How will salt precipitate affect the operation of our capacitor?
>We have a 10 Gallon aquarium with 14 Corona Longneck bottles inside. The
>bottles are filled up to the base of the neck with saltwater, then
>totally filled with oil (Formula Shell 5W-30). The bottles are spaced in
>a 3-3-3-3-2 arrangenent with at least 1/2" frm bottle to bottle and
>bottle to wall. The jacket is to the same level as the bottles are
>filled (to the bas of the neck) and topped off with a 3/4" layer of oil.
>All the bottles are interconnected with as many conections as we could
>fit with 14AWG bare copper (from a piece of Romex). The problem is
>there's a layer of precipitate along the bottom of both the bottles and
>the jacket. Will this affect the operation of the cap? If so how?
The salt precipitate will have no effect.
>In other news....
>With the capacitor finished (we hope)...how do we go about building the
>safety gap for the NST? Would a Jacobs Ladder type arrangment be best? Or
>just a pair of bolts mounted in a couple of pieces of angle iron. Any
The safety gap electrode tips MUST have a reasonably large radius of
curvature to prevent premature arcing. Bending a wire Jacobs-Ladder
style won't work because the radius is is still that of the wire itself.
You need to use some carriage bolt heads, spoons, or small spheres.
Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA