Re: Corona Bottle Caps....don't think and drive
>Original Poster: "christopher boden" <chrisboden-at-hotmail-dot-com>
>We're making saltwater caps and a couple questions have come up.
>1. Do you cover the bottom of the bottle with Al Foil?
Yes, it is a good idea, for it has two advantages
a) It increases the surface
b) you can put a metal sheet at the bottom of the box and lay the bottle on
it. It will be your electrical contact...
>2. We're making these from 12Oz. Corona Longneck bottles. When filled
>they're going to be placed neatly inside a 10 Gal. Aquarium. Do we even
>to wrap them with foil? I.E. will the outer water jacket act as another
If you decide to fill the aquarim with water, don't spend time wrapping your
>3. How many bottles for the average coil? (Dimentions follow)
Capacitance (Farads) = Eo*Er*S/d
where Eo = 8.85E-12 Er (glass) ~4 S =glass surface (meter^2)
d=thickness of the glass (meter)
As you know the capacitance you need (it depends of your x-former) you can
find the number of bottles you need. If your voltage is very high (and it
depends of the thikness-quality of glass), you might want to build a
"serie-parallel combo", which means you will need 4 times more bottles
>4. What type of salt is best? Table (iodized), rock, pellet, flake, kosher?
>5. What is the usual capacitence of a single bottle (on average, just
>looking for a ballpark)
See Q 3
>6. How does the label affect the capacitence? They're printed on the glass
>and cannot be easily removed.
If you decide to wrap the outside in Alu., it might be a problem... If you
chose to fill your aquarium with water, it won't be a problem...
>7. Any tips/hints on design/construction?
>8. How many people have used this as an excuse for not being able to go to
>work the next day?
I'm sure you can find a better excuse (your cat took your car keys???)...
Good luck
>That's it for now, thanks guys. I'm going to go get hammer- finish working
>on the research project....yeah, that's it...Science;-)
>The "No man,*really*,we're building a lightning genorator" Coronaphile
>Christopher A. Boden
>The Geek Group
>344 Ionia SW
>Grand Rapids MI
>The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth!
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