
Introducing project Thor and its DC power supply

Hello everybody.

I have eventually been able to write down something about the current status of
the "Thor" project. To know more about

- project purpose
- reasons that affected TC and power supply topology choice
- DC power supply theory of operation and design issues

please check the following pages


And when I say "check" I mean also check for errors too!

Your feedback is really appreciated.


P.S. I feel you all should know about my DC power supply, because it can be
assembled using off-the-self components and, I guess, easily adapted even for
building a CW TC (no tubes required).
As well, please remember that the transformer is going to be assembled within a
few days: so we are NOT talking about a tested and proved functional design!
All the electronic circuitry has been already tested and it is functional.
How the whole supply will behave it is still to be tested.