And 6 feet in 2nd.
So today was another lovely day here in Denmark, 56 latitude, allthough
a but windy..
I started the tuning a bit more methodically, this time, and made 1/2
turn increments at a time to find the sweet spot better.
It turned out that I had been 1/2 turn off, almost 4 KHz too low last
time, and once the tune was established, the constipation that I had
censed in the first run, was gone. When the gaps were opened up to 0.4
inches the sparks grew fierce, to 6 feet.
I had the neighbors, and friends over for snacks, beers and talk, and it
was a great evening.
Later in the evening I thought I would just go out to crack some more
sparks, but did it send some white sparks right along the length of the
coil! DEW had fallen, made the coil a bit moist. 10 minutes with a
hairdryer did the trick, and I took a couple more shots, which I will
post in the near future, if they turn out well.
Moisture in the form of dew is certainly an issue here at 56 latitude.
The MMC is a great thing, I can say so far. And it is very convenient to
have each cap paralled with resistors, so that it is possible to make
adjustments right away, without getting zapped.
I have not been able to get breakout fron tha bare toroid, which is made
of 12 " allu duct, I use a piece of copper braid flung over the toroid,
and bent out 2" at equator, this means that the breakout is happening at
the same spot. It would have been more spectacular if the breakout
happenet erratically at different places, so that the whole volume of
air around the toroid got energized. Not the whole time, but with
streamers jumping to and fro. Is that possible?
Coiler greetings from Denmark! Finn Hammer