
Re: bi-polar (center-fed) TC

Hi Ralph,
             the bipolar TC is a design type more suited to table top use 
than single ended. From a design standpoint they can be regarded as single 
ended TCs with Helical primaries (I think they all have helical primaries but 
can't think of a reason why you shouldn't try a spiral)  The tank circuit is 
the same as a normal TC.  The construction of them is a specialised area.  
The only advice I can offer is that you ditch the thick walled tube and use 
4" not 3" for the replacement.  When you wind it a good idea would be to 
leave a  space in the windings at the middle so that you can support it from 
the middle and not the ends which could be 500Kv + or -.

If you are going to use a helical primary you may want the following equation:
    N =     /  L  [( 9 x R) + (10 x H)]
             /  --------------------------
           /            2
        \/            R

    N = Number of turns needed
    L = inductance in microhenries (µH) desired
    R = radius (in)
    H = height (in)

Good luck
Nick Field