
Re: Elementary Lecture

On 03/02/99 17:07:22 you wrote:
>Original Poster: "John H. Couture" <COUTUREJH-at-worldnet.att-dot-net> 
>  The term "electrostatic" is not an outdated term today when it is used
>properly. It is definitely a static electrical field as taught by present
>day physics books. See my post on electric fields under "Tesla Coils and
>Lamp Tests".
>  John Couture



I make the point that an "electrostatic field" is an inappropriate 
description in relationship to the electric field of a TC.  The ES 
field is separate and apart from the EM field that is produced at 
the same instant in time.  The EM field, if you will, is very
dynamic and varies with time.  It is produced by charges that move
and a magnetic field is also produced.  It is well described by 
Maxwellian equations.

Historically electrostatic electricity was dicovered and researched 
in static systems.  We are all aware of Franklin's experiments with 
triboelectrification of various dielectrics.  These experiments 
were conducted on systems were charges do not move.  There is no 
current and no magnetic field.  Hence the term "static" in 
description of the electrostatic field.  

An electrostatic field may also be time variant.  The amplitude 
of the ES field may vary considerably and even reverse polarity.
Importantly, charges in an ES field do not move, although the electric
field itself may dynamically change in amplitude and polarity.  
Variation in electric potential causes changes in the field amplitude.
There is no associated current or magnetic field associate with a 
time variant ES field. 

Often there is confusion for newcomers about the polarity of the 
ES potential of a TC.  Many think it is only positive.  Theory and 
measurements indicate it varies and changes polarity to both 
positive and negative in each cycle.

I make the point, that even though charge is static, there is dynamic
variation of the electric or potential field in an "electrostatic 
field" in a Tesla coil.  The TC ES field is quite dynamic from this 
point of view.

Bert Hickman in a recent email is quite accurate in describing 
changes in dielectric structure or even in the vacuum or fabric 
of space (aether if you will) oops!  These potential charge 
changes in dielectrics are responsible for the ES potential 
that we measure.  The varying ES field eminating from the 
terminal of a TC is easily meaured.  Using correct instrumentation 
that measures only ES, I and others (principally Richard Hull) 
have correctly measured time variant ES fields of TCs.  Also, 
Terry's planar antennas are capable of measuring these ES fields. 

John, even the fet electrometer that you developed and published 
may be modified by putting a switch before the meter to a BCN 
connector.  TC ES fields can then be easily monitored on a scope.

Richard Wall