Some questions
Hi All,
this is a list of misc. questions I need to ask related to my next
1. How do I calculate the inductance of a transteel cored inductor - do I
just adjust the wheeler formula by multiplying the product of it by µ for the
core material in question?
2. Is pvc aircon ducting any good for a coil form (16" dia)?
3. How close should I space my rsg electrodes ?
4. What sort of varnish should I coat the seconadry with ?
5. What would be good for the primary conductor ? - this system will be run
up to about 5kVA input power with a 0.1uF primary cap at 9kV DC 2240bps.
6. If i can get a 3' foot diameter spherical top terminal should I use it?
7. How do I tell my parents about the enormous size of this system without
getting kicked onto the street :-)
BTW: I have 3kg of 0.6mm magnet wire for £10 if anyone wants it
Building up the ozone layer over GB
Nick Field