
Re: Now, How does a coil really work??

tesla-at-pupman-dot-com on 27.01.99 07:01:31

To:   tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
cc:    (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject:  Re: Now, How does a coil really work??

>Original Poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmq-at-compuland-dot-com.br>

>Marco Denicolai wrote:

>> - now the part that many people skip: when the spark gap opens, the
>> secondary will go on oscillating freely at its natural frequency until
>> its energy is dissipated into losses.
>> - another part that many skip: the effect of streamers on all the above.
>> a streamer is formed, it will suck the secondary energy and will dump
>> whatever is going on (energy transfer if the gap is still closed,
>> free oscillation if the gap is already open).

>These features are well known.

Or I guess they should be well known. I just had the feeling that many on
the list are not yet aware of these little particulars. At least I was not
until a couple of weeks ago.

>> - now you have reached knowledge at the single bang level: what is the
>> effect of multiple consecutive bangs (i.e. a rotary gap)? I have no
>> (yet) about their effect to streamer length, but at least they have no
>> effect on the secondary voltage until the bang rate is so high that you
>> able to catch the tail of the freely oscillating secondary and (again,
>> resonant charging) buildup a higher voltage.
>Remember also that for the buildup actually work, consecutive "bangs"
>result in waveforms precisely in phase, otherwise the average result
>be null.

That's true: that brings you to CW functionality and tube coils.

>And since you mentioned Smythe, verify it there is a deduction for the
>electric field around a toroid in the book. Such expression would be
>in the determination of the breakout voltage for a toroid.

Also I would be very interested in it: what is the tradeoff between a large
toroid (more capacitance, higher breakout voltage, lower developed voltage)
vs a smaller one (less capacitance, lower breakout voltage, higher
developed voltage). It must be possible to find an optimal solution.

My only problem is time, time, time... never enough.