Re: Active Regulation of DC Resonant Chargers
>I called Ross Engineering and inquired about their HV dividers. They
>a 15 and 30 kV divider applicable to our specifications. Mr. Ross
>recommended a 30 kV divider if rectifying a 14.4 kV pig. He does not
>recommend a wideband or compensated divider for DC or 60 Hz. The
>are fixed at the buyers requirement, example 1000:1. They have very
>input impedance, usually 300 megaohms. So, divider output current is
>Price for the 30 kV DC HV divider? -------- $900.00.
>No doubt an accurate HV divider can be built using HV, high wattage,
>precision resistors like those Victoreen resistors, the likes of which
>Hull is so fond.
I recently bought a 1000:1 hv divider probe for my multimeter which is
guaranteed to work to 40 KV . Input impedance = 1000meg, spec'd as 5%
accuracy into a 10 meg multimeter or other measuring device. This cost
me only about $200 so this could be a good option to consider . Made by
fluke and M/a com (2 options - fluke is more expensive)
>> On each charging pulse a regulation circuit monitors the HV divider,
>> and when the desired primary voltage is reached, the regulator fires
>> an SCR which is connected to the shunt winding of the reactor. The
>> SCR diverts the remaining stored reactor energy into a resistor bank,
>> and the voltage on the primary cap stops promptly at the set point.
>> This circuit works quite well, and the pulse-to-pulse accuracy is
>> limited only by the accuracy of the HV divider and regulator circuit.
>> Compensated dividers with better than 1% accuracy are commercially
>> available from Ross Engineering.
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