
Re: Sam Barros' Latest experiments:-)

Sam wrote:

>can finally conduct some cool water and wire exploding expts:-) I had
>wanted to do this for SUCH a long time but I had never found HV caps

Be careful.  You can get hurt(in many ways) by doing this.

>which I did not expect to find and I doubt I will see any other very
>soon. While I search for a better charging source (something with more
>juice too: the damn thing takes minutes to charge fully off the
>cascade), I was wondering if anyone had ideas for a good spark gap.

Some pulse caps (Maxwell's) don't like to be held at full charge for 
more than 30 seconds or so.  This may have been a contributing factor 
the failure of our 32 uf 40kv pulse unit.

Can you charge it off a NST w/ bridge or multiplier??

> A gap in an oxygen-free atmosphere would be too complicated for such
>a small and simple application. I was wondering if anyone has a good

If you seal the gap - eventually all the oxygen will be consumed - 
leaving you with essentially a Nitrogen-filled gap.

> I was wondering if anyone has ever conducted experiments in capacitor
>discharge (I know Bill has =3D> Bill has done everything:-) Hey, Bill,

Well, not everything. Not yet.  But I'm working on it! :)

There is an industrial process where some form of metal is deposited 
onto the insides of engine cylinders via an exploding wire process.  
This is all I know about it. :(

>You reading this? You had a really kickass 25kJ pulse cap. It didn't
>explode when it broke down. How come? Strong metal casing or something?

Very strong steel case which looked as if someone had attacked it with a 
sledge hammer after it blew up.  Castor oil leaked out of one split 
seam.  The insides were shredded.  There are pictures of all this on my 
site under "Alien Pulse Capacitor Autopsy" or some such silliness... :)

Actually - that capacitor is (was?) Paul's -and yes - he has another 
bank, I think 48 uf 30kv.  We are back in business but haven't been 
doing much lately...

>diameter globe incandescent lamp to one of the coil=92s output. As
>expected the whole thing fills up with corona discharges. Now, if I
>put the other coils output outside the glass huge streamers go around
>the glass and several  leave the filament. 

My impression was: If you can see streamers inside the glass - then 
there is significant gas pressure inside the bulb - and x-rays would not 
be a problem.  The gas severely limits the terminal speed of the 
electrons - which will prevent the production of x-rays.

Plus - if you are getting streamers off the OUTSIDE of the glas into 
free air - this means that the glass itself is at some high potential - 
further reducing the voltage available to accelerate electrons within 
the envelope.

Example - I've never heard of anyone having x-ray concerns with the 
toy-store plasma globes... 

This is also why I believe there are absolutely no x-ray dangers from 
spark gaps operating at atmospheric pressure.

>The strike zone quickly
>becomes dangerously hot and glows green (!!!). I suspect the energy
>might be sufficient to heat the anode by ion bombardment and the
>voltage could possibly accelerate them enough for x-ray production...
>I don't have a suitable Geiger counter but I do know that a green glow
>is associated with x-rays. Anyone can shine some light on this?

It might just be simple ultraviolet fluorescence?? (not sure)

> Oh, also when I turn it off I can see it filled with a faintly
>glowing blue gas, which soon fades away... Looks cool!!!

Again - I'm not sure.  But it sounds neat! :)

It looks like my welder-dimmer is going to work.  I ran 10800 V*A (5000 
reall watts) through it last night w/o incident.  I do have a slight 
problem at very low powers, and also a problem at about 50%  of full 
phase under no-load conditions.  My snubbering isn't quite doing the 

With luck - this might evolve into some form of SCR pig controller...

-Bill Pollack (The Arcstarter)

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