Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Reinhard Walter Buchner" <rw.buchner-at-verbund-dot-net>
> Hello all,
> After re-reading my email, I found I had used a bad choice of
> words in the following sentence:
> "Another reason for the temp rise in my tuning coil might lie
> in the fact that it is made out of hard steel brake line (iron is
> a worse conductor than copper and it will experience magnetic
> field problems as well)."
> The words "magnetic field problems" sound stupid (and very
> vague). What I meant to say was the material (iron) might get
> hotter than copper because of the magneticly induced currents
> and the higher losses involved (using iron instead of copper
> for the tuning coil).
> Coiler greets from germany,
> Reinhard
Actually, you're not too far off. Skin effect is a function (the
squareroot) of the magnetic permeability of the conductor. The more
"magnetic" the conductor (such as a ferromagnetic conductor), the
greater the skin effect becomes, and the thinner the layer (or skin
depth) that's actually conducting the current. A magnetic conductor will
have a skin depth that's a small fraction of that in a copper conductor.
Combining this with the already poor conductivity of the material
(versus copper), and it's quite possible that a steel conductor may have
>100X the effective AC resistance of a comparable copper conductor.
The bottom line: don't use magnetic conductors if you want to
efficiently carry high RF currents...
-- Bert --