Re: This phase shift stuff... - Plane Wave
Hi Terry, Antonio, all,
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <twf-at-verinet-dot-com>
> Hi All,
> Today I did the following experiment looking for phase shifts along my
> secondary coil.
> I used my large coil (10.25 inch dia. 30 inch long 1000 turn space wound
> #24 wire) WITHOUT a top terminal. The discussion seemed to point to this
> being a good place to look.
> I used my standard voltage (E-field) antenna that I discussed on my old
> paper. It worked very well.
> I really don't think now that one is going to see significant phase shifts
> unless the length of the coil is so long that the propagation effects of
> light start to have an effect. At 1 MHz, the 1/4 lambda distance is 246
> feet so we have plenty of room!! I would still be very interested to hear
> what the students of "FDTD (finite difference, time domain) electromagnetic
> analysis" Jim Lux spoke of feel about all this? They sound like they
> would be a very powerful source of knowledge on such mattersa
> Of course, suggestions, comments, ideasa are always welcome. I think the
> secondary coils are starting to reveal their secrets! Apparently, they are
> far simpler that we had ever imagined. In fact, I can't thank of anyway
> their operation could BE simpler!! I won't miss the transmission line
> equations for one second though :-)
> Terry
My apologies for a snip of such interesting material. I am beginning
to think that models that assume the influence is propagated up the
coil via wire conduction have not taken the turn-turn coupling into
account. For each turn and its immediate neighbours, the coupling is
very tight indeed. Terry's results seem to me to indicate that the
wave is propagating turn-turn at nearly the speed of light. That
being so, a lumped model is entirely appropriate to describe these
coils. Furthermore, currents should be largely identical at top and
bottom. There should be a proof that says the coil is, in effect,
tightly coupled from top to bottom despite the almost zero direct
coupling of the bottom turn to the top because of the inter-turn
coupling. Alternatively, there should be a proof that says this is
not true. Perhaps Jim's students might care to have a look at this.
Anyway, if the turn-turn coupling has been disregarded in modelling
the secondary then the Tx line model used has a fundamental flaw in
In private correspondence to Terry last year I once again mused
over the Corum's coherence scenario and by some inductive reasoning
came to the conclusion that the secondary behaviour should not change
once the primary was decoupled from it (end of gap dwell). This is
borne out by *all* observations of coil waveforms I have ever done
on all coils I've ever built which is why I had to find a reason. If
something is/is not observed, one must look for a reason. On hearing
from John Freau of the setup on which the coherence had apparently
been observed, it was not hard to arrive at the conclusion that the
experimental setup was badly flawed.