Re: T-minus 7 days and counting...
>3 In saltwater caps, I would assume the saltwater is the storage for the
>charge. Would it be a benefit to use as large (or small) as bolt as
>possible? Or not important?
The glass is the storage for the charge; it is the dialectric. The
saltwater just
makes the water more conductive. The caps will work with or without salt in
the water, but the less resistance (lowers with salt) is better.
>5 The plans called for wrapping the exposed foil on the outside of the
>cap with at least two layers of electrical tape. Why is this when if it
>would get next to another bottle this would just be the ground anyway?
>Wouldn't it be better if all the bottles touched anyway?
Electrical tape is rated at around 1000 volts AC. Not much of anything for
capacitors. The tape is to just keep the foil as tight as possible.
If you want even better of a connection, submerge the bottles in a saltwater
bath. (saltwater on the outside of them as opposed to foil) Since the
water will
touch every square mm of glass, you will get much better performance.