
Another Capacitor Idea/ and a question too

I don't think my last idea got through: 

Cover the outside of a rolled polyethelene/alumin siding capacitor
with aluminum foil, then connect the foil to ground. Then when these
high voltages come back down the line hopefully it will jump through
the PVC pipe and gop to ground.

Ideas. Will it work?

Then I thought of this while I was working today, what about a bunch
of polyethelyene and aluminum circles in  a section of PVC pipe,
stacked on top of each other, connected at both ends. Could it be more
space saving than  a big rolled one? 

OK, here are the questions

Whats the equation for capacitance, of just plain capacitance? Not for
this capacitor or another, but for all capacitors. It must have
something to do with dielectric mass, mass of conductor, dielectric
K?Who knows, but I'll try to figure it out tonight by looking at the
equation for a specific cap.

Whats with these one wired HV transformers, like an ignition coil or a
cascade? Wheres the electricity want to go, to ground (only). So how
do you use them, so say like you hook up an ignition coil, using one
of the many schematics out there, where does the electricity want to
go? How can you use them on Tesla Coils and the like?

Thanks to anybody who answers


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