spark gap
Well, I was tweaking on my coil last nite and ran into a perplexing
thing. My coil has a 6 in.sec,12 turn pri -at-10 degrees, 33NF cap (plate
type), and a RQ gap with 13 pieces of 1 in. copper pipe with a Rototron
Fan. The transformer is a "fixed load" type pole xmfr (12,000 pri 110 sec
-at-500 watts) about 90 lbs worth. All has been well for some time and the
coil works well and will run for several minutes no sweat. Ok, I raised the
sec 3/4 of an inch and retuned the pri tap for max output. I think that
might have done some good. Seems like I'm getting a longer corona and it
makes a deeper noise. Now the spark gap overheats? or something in about 20
seconds. The gap starts sounding funny and the output goes way down. What's
up. It goes back to working good if I reduce the sec's height(the 3/4
spacer) and retune the pri tap. Not as much output but no problem with
running for a longer time. help, help