
Re: NE555 driven coil WAS:Re: SCR driver coil...

Tesla List wrote:
> the 555 handbook.  Alternately, I used to use a 2n2222A with a RC network on

To all, thank you for your help:-) I think now I've the definitive
circuit. Simulations I made, show that CW operation is way too expensive
for the small project I'm building. To achieve long continuos sparks the
power amplifier will become way too expensive, and prone to failures
I've been forced to drive an SCR and car ignition coil with my impulse
generator, and then send the output into a classic TC primary.
Anyway my prof still accepts the project, so I'm going on.
Now things are much easier, and pulse width is no more an issue.
I'll be getting impulses at 500-2000Hz rep rate when I'll build the
driver the next week. 
 Thank you again,
