
Re: Tcoils/ free energy. Yes a coil CAN power something.

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: Greg Leyh <lod-at-pacbell-dot-net>
> >The Tesla coil has the capability of transmitting magawatts
> of power at ultra high voltages using the ionosphere as the current
> conductor with very low transmitting losses. This cannot be done with
> electromagnetic radiation.
>   John Couture
> I'd pay good money to see that one demonstrated by a coil whose
> dimensions are small, compared to the earth<>ionosphere spacing.
> (I'd pay even more to see a coil whose dimensions weren't small
> by comparison :^)
> --
> -GL
> www.lod-dot-org

The transmission channel of the EMF at the frequencies of a TC is
the channel created between the Ionosphere and the ground and is often
referred to as the earth resonance cavity. This cavity is a very
transmitter of various ELF frequencies particularly around the 8Hz
and is commonly used for trans-global submarine communications.

A coil of sufficient magnitude to have a frequency that low would be
extraordinarily large (I'll leave it to others to make the calcs ; )

At VHF, on the other hand, efficient ionospheric coupling with both
ground based emitter and receiver would be, to say the least,
Check out the HAARP web sites.

I support the idea that the wireless transmission of power is feasible.
I also believe that it will never happen on earth due to the suspected
association between HF HV fields and leukemia; at least not until the
debate is resolved. I suspect that the association will be borne out
and that wireless transmission of power will never occur on inhabited
worlds, except in the most extreme circumstances.

Bryan Kaufman