Re: tuning coils
> >
> > Another question to you experienced coilers:
> >
> > Richard Quick had a post in the archives about tuning coils. My
> question
> > is: Have any of you worked in this area? Is it possible to construct a
> > tuning coil at the 3rd or 4th harmonic of the frequency of the
secondary > >
transmitting coil? Ir seems Tesla said this was so in his patents. Help
> > from you veterans who've worked with these?
> >
> > Bob V
i am not a so-called experienced coilers, but i would like to add my humble
share of info for you guys. yes, it is possible to construct
a tuning circuit at higher harmonic. but most of the vertical coils done
with dynamo wire will cut off at 1 Ghz, for a no. of reasons. for instance
the roughness in somewhere introduces skin loss at high freq. also, matching
in one case doesn't means matching in another..... btw the harmonic
are due to the nonlinearities from somewhere in the circuit and these
are normally driven by double-tune resonance network, like tc. hope this