
Re: TC Differential Equations

> > There has been some discussion of 4th order differential equations and
> > that explain the operation of a TC.  I have been getting much more curious
> > about this.  Could anyone refer me to some easily obtainable sources that
> > explain this material?  I would really appreciated any help I can get on
> this.
> Actually, there is no need for differential equations. The solution for
> this kind of problem is easily found by Laplace transforms.

I´ve written a kind of paper where a simplified model (R = 0) is solved
using differential equations. It is found on my web-page 



  Jochen Kronjaeger                     Kronjaeg-at-stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de 
  The High Voltage Page  http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~kronjaeg/hv/  
    info, plans, photos of home-built HV-sources, sparks, HV-experiments    