
Re: Magnifiers: how to?

>Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 12:02:40 -0700
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Magnifiers: how to?
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Original Poster: "Marco Denicolai" <Marco.Denicolai-at-tellabs.fi> 
>I am reading the "Colorado Springs Notes" and getting more 
>about how a magnifier should be constructed. Still I would like to ask 
>- is there anybody who can tell me the resonance constraints between
>primary, secondary and "extra" coil? (I mean something like L1*C1=L2*C2 
>the usual TC).

     Check the archives, some time ago in '98, several of the members
and myself were discussing just what you asked!
in a nutshell- L1*C1= (L2+L3)*C3. Yeah, you can go to nth degree
and throw in the the coil capacitances, but the above equation will
will do the trick for most intents and purposes.

     As far as physical coupling is concerned, Tesla's magnifier
patent showed primary wound over the secondary in the driver coil.
This is a later version than the CSN coil that had the two turns 
directly below the driver secondary. The down side to the overlapping
windings of course is need for sufficient insulation that is RF

Jim McVey

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