Re: ITC has gone bankrupt
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 00:13:47 -0700 Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
>It's kind of interesting how the press/people operate. The >article
said that Tesla made inventions that changed life, but >then they focused
(IMHO)on his wireless transmission idea that >never came to fruition. So
many things we take for granted in our >every day lives were invented by
him and yet they focus on that. >Oh well.
Sad to say Chip, I think all of us have learned over the years that Tesla
enthusists come in two types; Those interested in the real factual works
of Tesla and the UFO, fringe followers that use or abuse Teslas name to
give creadence to their fantasies. The news always gives more attention
to the later group due to the contraversy. Contraversy sells!
Alfred A. Skrocki Sr.
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