Re: NST VA rating
to: Ross
You are right --- it is power factor. Sometimes the outdoor models use a
different power factor than the smaller indoor units. Higher current units
are usually different also.
> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: NST VA rating
> Date: Thursday, February 04, 1999 3:01 AM
> Original Poster: "Ross W. Overstreet" <ross-o-at-mindspring-dot-com>
> While cleaning up some newly acquired 12 KV, 60ma NSTs, I noticed
> something odd about the VA rating. Looks like 2 of them list 400 VA.
> The others list 720 VA which makes sense when you notice that 12000 *
> .060 = 720. My 15KV 60 ma units list 900 VA which also makes sense.
> I am guessing that the 400VA has something to do with power factor???
> Does anyone know what's up with this?
> Happy Coiling,
> Ross Overstreet
> Huntington Beach, CA