Re: Tesla Coil Operation - was "Harmonics"
Tesla List wrote:
> Inefficient compared to what Antonio?
To virtually any method in use, even at Tesla's time, to transmit
Wires for electricity, for example.
> I think Tesla was basing the
> eficiency models on the resonance matching the earth's natural resonance
> via standing wave.
Even if this is more than a legend, certainly the Earth is not a
electric resonator, and is -big-. The losses would be enormous.
> Maybe I'm wrong, but if he caused an earthquake around New York City
> via a small oscillator in resonance, I'd say efficiency was much higher
> than what one would expect from a small instrument.
This -is- a legend. It is easy to shake a building into destruction,
specially a poorly built one, but an earthquaque is very different.
And this is not related to electricity.
> I believe it's the same thing he was proposing via Wardencliff. Once the
> earth resonance was brought into tune,(like pushing a swing),I don't
> think it would take much to keep it going...
I don't know what were Tesla's real intentions with that installation.
The usual interpretation is that he become the prototype of the
"mad scientist", pursuing an unattainable goal based on incorrect
interpretations of a still incompletely understood theory.
Maybe he was just trying to produce -big- sparks just for fun, and
invented a complicated story in order to get funds for his project ;-)
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz