
Re: pole pig needed

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Tesla List wrote:


I am in Fayetteville AR, and the local electric company here is willing to
donate 5 surplus government distribution transformers to my local Tesla
Coil society.  Each is rated at 50Kv, but if that is too much they have
many (really cool looking) transformers from the 20s-40s.  They are about

If your interested I could give you one of the ones we would get.  I sure
dont need 5.  

Let me know,
Ben Bouxsein

> Original Poster: "Jeff Corr" <corr-at-enid-dot-com> 
> I just blew my last spare neon, and I'm tired of doing that!
> If anyone withint 600 miles of Oklahoma has a pig for sale,
> at least 13.8kv, 3kva pig or higher,  please contact me off the list...
> Thanks!

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