MOSFET Coil Paper
Thanks very much for posting this paper, I was doing similar exeriments
myself but on the dining room table and with a scope that has had better
days, so I drooled over the desciption of his test conditions!
His essential conclusion is that before breakout the the input impedence is
close to that of a quarter-wave antenna. I'm not a radio type so is there a
general equation giving the inpit inpedance of a quater wave antenna.
Have fun,
Alan Sharp (UK)
> Dr. Gary Johnson has written a very interesting paper on the input
>impedance of a MOSFET driven Tesla coil called "Input Impedance of a Tesla
>Coil". I scanned the pages and posted them (with his permission) at:
>The file names are GLJ-1.jpg to GLJ-9.jpg . They are large files to
>preserve the quality.