
Re: Tesla's Energy Trans.

> I agree that the author could just be regurgitating all the keelynet myths -

	I believe this is absolutely the case!

> but as, as far as details of the people tesla was involved in names, times,
> places etc., this book is by far the most detailed I have ever read on tesla
> i am inclined to think otherwise.
> Why not pop down to amazon and get a copy? Then you can comment on something
> you've actually read.

	Sorry, I've read so much Tesla garbage (particularly those whol emulate
Cheney)  that I don't want to waste my money on some more.  Please note
that Tesla's writing is very clear and precise, and doesn't mention this
stuff.  I think that perhaps your references are either drinking their
own bath water or else baloney.  Even the quote by Fleming is, so far as
I can tell, unsubstantiated.


Who wishes it could be true.